
Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Adventure Continues

Hmmm, a blog to record the comings and goings, homeschooling acomplishments, and funny moments of our family life? OK, I can do that!....
Ooops. Interrupted there, by a diaper rash cream emergency. As in, Caleb (age 2) has smeared diaper rash cream all over the family room. Including on the big screen tv. Gaaaak.
A case in point! Each day...every moment of each day...I never know what to expect. What new adventure in beating awaits? Yesterday, Paul pooed in the urinal in the Boys' Room at the library. Hmmm, guess I skipped the "urinal etiquette" chapter during potty training! I should have realized something was wrong when I, waiting outside the restroom door with his brothers in the stroller, heard him exclaim, "Ooooo! A potty on the wall!"
O brave new world, that has such toddlers in it!

The usual suspects (at the moment): Paul (almost 4), Caleb (2), and Josiah (6 months).
Updates to follow!


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